The Benefits of Group Training

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If you are someone who has a hard time deciding on the right exercise program or who has difficulty getting motivated to hit the gym, give group training classes a try! Group training can provide the education and added encouragement needed to get you to the gym and to stay active. Regardless of whether you are new to working out at a fitness center or don’t have an abundance of fitness knowledge, joining a group training class can be just what you need! To help explain why group training classes can be so successful, here are some of the many benefits of attending group classes.


Exercising within a group setting provides motivation because you are surrounded by like-minded individuals that can provide that added push needed to complete a workout. Working out under the guidance of a trainer also provides motivation because there is someone there guiding you and watching to make sure you are staying on task. A talented fitness instructor will also help pass the time as they provide training directions and words of encouragement throughout the workout

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Proper Fitness Techniques

Group training classes are also a great resource for learning how to complete fitness exercises while using proper form. This is especially important for those that are new to the gym or that are new to a particular type of training. Understanding proper exercise techniques and practices plays a vital role in being able to reap all of the benefits of exercise routines. For instance, to improve muscle strength and promote the growth of lean muscle tissue, exercises must be completed the right way. 

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Plus, if a person is exercising without practicing correct form they will develop bad habits, which often lead to the development of injuries such as fractures, sprains and torn ligaments.

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Attending a group training class is a wonderful way to workout without having to plan or know a lot about fitness routines. Group training classes are always led by a fitness instructor, so you are provided with specific directions throughout the duration of the class. This is ideal for beginners or for those looking to get into an exercise routine without having to put much thought into it. Group training classes also provide structure because classes are usually held at the same time each week, which helps fitness members plan accordingly.

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Working out doesn’t have to be a chore, but this often happens when people neglect to change up their exercise routine. Doing the same exercises over and over will get tedious. However, with group fitness training, you can turn this dreaded chore into something fun! What makes group training classes fun is that they provide exposure to a social atmosphere where people can chat, encourage one another and quietly compete against one another. Who doesn’t enjoy a little friendly competition?

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If you are someone that has a tendency to slack off and skip working out, regularly attending group training sessions can help with accountability. This is particularly the case for if you attend the same classes each week because after becoming acquainted with your instructor and other members, they will likely ask questions after you miss class.

As described, there are many benefits of participating in group training classes especially if you are new to the gym, in need of motivation or looking for something new to spice up your fitness routine.

If interested in group training classes in or around Petaluma, California, be sure to check out

the Group Training Classes available at the Redwood Club.
